Are you finding it difficult to commit to a regular writing routine? Do you find yourself hesitant to sit down in front of the computer in the morning? Lacking inspiration could be the reason behind your inability to get down to business habitually.
Whether you’re doing creative writing, online copywriting or the creation of factual texts, you have to feel inspired and engaged by the work that you do. Many years of experience could take that initial excitement away from you, contributing to a more challenging process.
Finding inspiration will sometimes require conscious efforts on your behalf. If you’re ready to explore these possibilities, chances are that a regular writing routine will become attainable and it will bring you a lot of pleasure.
Find Inspiration in the Work of Other Writers
To be a good writer, you will also have to be an avid reader.
Busy on projects and deadlines, you may forget that writing is a creative process. Reading on a regular basis will give you a clear reminder of what one could accomplish through the power of words.
There are certain classics that every writer should read. Start with these books and eventually, move on to a genre or an author that you prefer. Reading isn’t about crafting your style or having a specific takeaway. It will give you perspective, enrich your own process and even help you overcome writer’s block.
Reading some industry-relevant material is also a good idea.
If you’re a digital copywriter, get in the habit of following blogs and influencers in the field. That’s an excellent choice for keeping up with novelties in the industry and pinpointing the great techniques that can yield good results in your own process.
Listen, Observe and Learn
Writers can find inspiration in nearly everything. This is the main reason why you should carry a notebook everywhere you go.
The process has to be continuous and it can expand to moments during which you’re not actively engaged in writing.
Spending time with your family can give you some excellent ideas for a new blog post or an ebook that you’d eventually write. Even interactions with children and their incredible creativity can fuel your engine.
Listen to good music, watch movies, go out in nature or simply head out for a stroll in the central part of town. The dynamics of everyday life, the calmness of the park and the shiny store windows can all help you expand your writing horizons.
Deal with Distractions
Distractions can stand in the way of building a regular writing routine and fostering creativity.
Sitting down to write will be a challenging task if the phone’s ringing, your partner is constantly around you or the dog wants to go out for a walk.
Online distractions are even more difficult to overcome. Statistics suggest that we spend 40 minutes on YouTube, 36 minutes on Facebook and 25 minutes on Snapchat every single day. That’s a lot of time you could put to much better use.
Having a calm and peaceful workplace is the first step towards dealing with distractions. If you work at home, you need to have a home office. Let the people around you know when you’ll be doing some writing so that they refrain from interrupting.
Choosing a good productivity app is also going to be important. A tool like FocusMe can be used for scheduling purposes, to block websites and apps, to create specific rules pertaining to your online behavior and to do time tracking. Such a tool is going to prove invaluable in the very beginning and until you manage to establish a distraction-free writing routine.
Write for Pleasure
Inspiration will often go out the window when writing becomes a job. Deadlines, strict requirements and interactions with clients will sometimes make you forget just how fun and exciting the process can be.
To regain your inspiration, start writing for pleasure. Writing for the sake of expressing yourself and without having a specific goal in mind is going to feel tremendously liberating. Craft a poem, start a blog or write an ebook that you’ll distribute for free. Such personal projects will give you a chance to explore new avenues and make writing enjoyable.
Allow yourself to get into this process without heavy editing, restrictions or requirements. While this process may feel challenging at first, it will soon feel pretty natural and it will deliver a positive impact on every other type of writing you’re attempting to do.
Join a Community of Similar-Minded Individuals
In the past, people found it somewhat difficult to find and connect with similar-minded individuals. Internet has revolutionized communication, especially when it comes to niche groups.
Join a forum or a social media group dedicated to writing. You can share your frustrations, get encouragement from others and feel inspired by their stories.
It’s very important to know that you’re not alone in your struggle. All writers go through ups and downs. All of them have developed individual processes that rebuild creativity and strengthen writing skills. Communicate with other writers and you will take a lot away.
Getting in touch with other writing professionals is an effort-free process. You don’t have to go out of your home if you don’t feel like it. You don’t have to contribute to the communication on a regular basis. Even if you’re just reading and learning from others, you will still feel included.
The great idea is to take part in the big writing event NaNoWriMo in November this year. Join the community of fellow writers and take a challenge for yourself – write a novel in one month. This a great way finally to start writing without distractions, find inspiration and meet similar minded people.
To sum it up, if you feel that the inspiration is gone and your writing routine is disturbed, go after change. For some, taking a short break to enjoy life’s little pleasures will be sufficient. Others are refueled by the work of successful writers. You will simply have to take some time to pinpoint the approach that works for you.
Building a writing routine does not come with a universal formula. It’s ok to slow down, have a break and identify the technique that gets your creative engine going. Be gentle and make that adjustment. You will soon find yourself feeling inspired to produce quality work once again.