The Work From Home vs Office Debate: Where Are We Most Productive?
If 2020 was the year of being stuck at home whether we liked it or not, 2021 is the one where the work from home vs office debate really ignites. So… where are we truly more productive? Before last year, working from home was seen as the preserve of small business owners, techies and freelancers. […]
Science-Backed Ways to Manage Your Gambling Habits
Proven methods for overcoming your impulses and treating a gambling disorder.
Technology Is A Double Edged Sword: 4 Ways To Avoid Cuts
We all know that technology is a double edged sword. Luckily, it’s possible to benefit from the pros while avoiding the cons. Here’s how… Sure, we’ve all heard the phrase plenty of times, mostly coming out of a friend who had too much to drink at a very average party. In this context, and most […]
National Day of Unplugging starts this Friday – Are You With Us? (March 5, 6 2021)
Learn to unplug and compartmentalize your time.
4 Ways to Unplug and Relax When You are Too Busy
Learn to unplug and compartmentalize your time.
The Only 5 Time Management Techniques You Actually Need
Simplifying Productivity In An Overcomplicated World Like most things in our busy, distracted, and increasingly complex lives, we often make time management way more complicated than it needs to be. There are countless systems out there for running your life “better.” And probably as many time management techniques as there are things to spend your […]
It Can’t Be Worse? 3 Big Reasons To Be Excited About 2021
After 2020, we’re all in need of a bit of optimism. Luckily, it’s hard to imagine things getting any worse. Here are some reasons to be excited about 2021… What can be said about the year we’ve just been through that hasn’t already been said many times already? In short, we’ve had our reality turned […]
Go With The Flow: Powerful Ideas For An Easier Life
We’ve all been told at some point or other in our lives to “go with the flow”. It sounds great in theory, but how exactly do you do it? There are so many esoteric sounding sayings thrown around by people who barely grasp their meaning. “Live in the present”, “you’re perfect the way you are” […]
“Tiny Habits” Review: Hack the Fogg Behavior Model To Transform Your Productivity One Small Change At A Time
Tired of completely striking out every time you take a swing at lasting change? Ever feel like a hidden law of gravity stands between you and those things you’ve always wanted…but never found the willpower to claim? Do you start every new attempt at transformation supercharged with motivation and energy… Only to crash and burn […]
5 Ways To Adapt To The New Normal For Work
Covid-19 has altered every aspect of our lives. Our ability to adapt has become more important than ever. This is especially true when it comes to the workplace. Adjusting to the ‘new normal’ for work is something we literally can’t afford to fail at. Our lives have been turned upside down. Hundreds of millions of […]