6 Actionable Ways To Unlock Your Full Potential

Unlock your true potential

What could you do if you managed to unlock your full potential, or even just a fraction of it? The only way to know for sure is to try and find out… We’ve all heard some (more likely many) variations of the “if humans could use 100% of the brain” hypothesis, and there are no […]

5 Ways To Truly Work Smarter Not Harder

Work smarter not harder

Many of us claim to work smarter not harder, but are we really practicing what we preach? We’ve all done it – someone compliments us for completing a task in an simpler or less taxing way than the one they were aware of and we respond with something along the lines of “I prefer to […]

Best Brain Foods For Focus, Memory & Mental Health

Best brain foods - Berries and Nuts

The brain is the most important organ in the body, yet its also one that we often forget to consider when planning our diets. As it turns out, there are some amazing brain foods that will help you to fuel your noggin with everything it needs to run smoothly! Defining brain foods The main thing […]

3 Methods To Overcome Your Gaming Addiction For Good

Man with gaming addction

The concept of gaming addiction is just now beginning to enter mainstream consciousness. Yet, for the millions who experience it daily, the struggle has always been very real. Understanding gaming addiction Before you can overcome an addiction or unhealthy pattern of behaviour, it’s crucial that you first acknowledge what you’re up against and learn to […]

How Binaural Beats Work – Focus, Meditate, Sleep

How binaural beats work cover

In recent years, they’ve earned a reputation as a simple and effective life hack for better sleep, improved focus, greater productivity and more. Here is everything you need to know about how binaural beats work and if they are indeed what they’re hyped up to be. What are binaural beats? Before understanding how binaural beats […]

How To Stop Shiny Object Syndrome From Crippling Your Productivity

Shiny object syndrome

Shiny object syndrome is a scourge of modern society and a major productivity killer. Here’s everything you need to know about the causes, effects and how to kick the habit. What is shiny object syndrome Even if you’ve never heard of Shiny Object Syndrome, (not an actual medical condition), you’ve probably already got some idea […]

The Work From Home vs Office Debate: Where Are We Most Productive?

The work from home vs office debate

If 2020 was the year of being stuck at home whether we liked it or not, 2021 is the one where the work from home vs office debate really ignites. So… where are we truly more productive? Before last year, working from home was seen as the preserve of small business owners, techies and freelancers. […]

Go With The Flow: Powerful Ideas For An Easier Life

Go with the flow

We’ve all been told at some point or other in our lives to “go with the flow”. It sounds great in theory, but how exactly do you do it? There are so many esoteric sounding sayings thrown around by people who barely grasp their meaning. “Live in the present”, “you’re perfect the way you are” […]

5 Amazing Natural ADHD Management Strategies

ADHD management strategies

October is ADHD awareness month! Whether you have a child that has been diagnosed with the condition or simply struggle to concentrate as much you’d like, these 3 natural ADHD management strategies will make your life easier. ADHD is a controversial condition. Most mental health professionals and neuroscientists agree that it is a real disorder […]

The Dangers Of A Sedentary Lifestyle And How To Avoid Them

Sedentary lifestyle

Of all the health risks we face in the 21st century, one of the least talked about is our increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Here is why we need to move more. Sedentary isn’t a word you hear thrown around a lot, which is rather ironic when you consider how much time we spend this way. It’s […]