Books every writer should read

books every writer should read

As writers we’re addicted to books on ‘how to write’. It’s procrastination of course. If you’re reading a book about how to develop your craft, then you’re working on your writing, right? Yes, but there must be balance. If you spend too long reading and not getting words on the page, you’ll never finish that […]

How to prepare for NaNoWriMo 2018

NaNoWriMo 2018

Plotter or Panster? So come on, which are you? Plotters (okay yes, I admit it) like to have some idea of where we’re going and the good news is that with Nanowrimo THIS IS NOT CHEATING. The thing about being a plotter is that you don’t have to work chronologically. John Irving doesn’t start until […]

Too Late To Make New Year Resolutions?

New Year Resolution

  So how are those New Year Resolutions going? I’m not really a huge fan. You know how it goes: you start off so well, dead keen, then three days in and you’ve missed a few… before you know it, you’re writing the whole year off as a failure. But perhaps there are some resolutions […]

What’s Your Excuse? – A Writer’s Daily Fight Against Procrastination


We writers turn procrastination into an art form: ‘I just need to do this first…’ Procrastination takes many guises. Here are a few that may sound familiar: I can’t write in all this clutter Clutter can be physical and/or psychological. It may feel like it is impossible to write if your desk is untidy. Your […]