26 Tips to Study Better that Actually Work [Updated]

Study Better

How to Improve Your Study Habits and Set Yourself Up for Success Want to study better? What is your PLAN for attacking your studies deliberately? How much time will you spend going over material you learn in class? Will you study every week or, like most students, wait and shove it all in your brain […]

27 Productivity-Increasing Mind Hacks to Get Work Done at Home

27 Productivity-Increasing Mind Hacks to Get Work Done While Stuck at Home

Need to tame your brain for home-based productivity? A lot of us are shifting to a remote work setup these coming months. And in a way, that’s a blessing, right? Because many people don’t have the option to bring income in right now at all… But staying focused and productive while at home in your pajamas […]

The Truth about Changing a Habit

How many times have you thought about changing a habit of yours without doing anything about it? How about getting started, but then finding yourself totally failing and forgetting that you had even begun a new regime in the first place? Too many times to count? Why is it so hard to create life-long transformation […]

How to Live your Life like it’s World of Warcraft

Question: ever played World of Warcraft? If you have, you know first-hand about the gravitational pull that game can exert in your daily life. If you haven’t, chances are very likely you know someone in your social circle who has. In any case, it’s a publicly known fact that people who get sucked into that […]

What Your Brain Does To Focus (And What You Can Learn From This)

How does our brain focus? Imagine being outside, in nature. You see beautiful flowers and plants, you hear birds singing, the entire scenery is covered with a wonderful clear blue sky. And yet, these aren’t the only things present. There’s the ugly brown dirt path you’re walking on, icky bugs are crawling about, and unsightly […]

Ultimate Productivity Hack – The ‘Do It Later Junk List’

Hey there, Let’s be honest. Procrastination is something we all do sometimes. Whenever we’re supposed to do something that’s not super fun and exciting, something that requires hard, intense and deep work, it tends to happen that our brain gets in our way and finds lots of highly interesting, yet distracting activities that we might […]