10 Toxic Habits That Keep You Away from Your Goals
You’ve definitely heard the saying that you’re your own worst enemy. This saying can apply to just about every aspect of life. As human beings, we’re very good at sabotaging our own efforts to find a meaningful relationship, excel at our jobs and be successful. Many toxic habits and behaviors could be keeping you from […]
The Truth about Changing a Habit
How many times have you thought about changing a habit of yours without doing anything about it? How about getting started, but then finding yourself totally failing and forgetting that you had even begun a new regime in the first place? Too many times to count? Why is it so hard to create life-long transformation […]
5 Reasons Why You Should Take Short Breaks at Work
The most important thing for any working individual is to maintain maximum productivity while working. To remain productive, you can’t keep working for endless hours. You need breaks. The benefits of breaks go beyond just resting your body and mind. You can make the best of your breaks in a way that boosts your productivity. […]
Focus, Your Key to Success
Once upon a time… Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, arguably two of the most successful men alive, met for the very first time about 30 years ago. At first, Buffett didn’t care much for meeting the Microsoft CEO. While they were both loaded with money, they were two different people, doing two very different things. […]
5 Reasons People Give Up on Their Goals Too Early
How long are you willing to pursue your dream? The truth of the matter is that most people will give up within a short time period because of complications or because the goal appears to be more challenging to attain than originally anticipated. Research suggests that only eight percent of people achieve their goals. This […]
The Philosophy of Essentialism, Part 1 – The Essentials
Once in a while, you come across a book… …and while you’re reading it, you find yourself nodding your head all the time. For me, one such book was ‘Essentialism’ by Greg McKeown. I found myself nodding my head because what was written there were many ideas that I had thought of myself. Great minds […]
Circadian Rhythm: the Ideal Time Schedule for Optimal Productivity
Sleep is really important. We all know that. A common thing people hear when they want to know how to be more awake and focused during the day is that they should sleep enough, and be sure to get their eight hours of snooze every night. Of course, there is a lot of truth to […]
The Best Way to Use Coffee to Optimize Your Productivity
Coffee, the world’s favorite legal drug Aaaah, coffee. The favorite drug of non-crack addicts. It helps you wake up, gets you focused and gives you energy to handle any task at hand. As an added benefit, it tastes great too. Whether it’s espresso, latte, americano, whatever type of bean, it simply helps people get things […]
Simple Ways to Start Your Morning Perfectly
Is your day determined by the morning? Studies suggest so. Mood, energy, productivity levels and quality of the interactions with others are all affected by the first things we do in the morning. This is the reason why building a perfect morning routine is of paramount importance. It can affect your job, your interactions with […]
Ways in Which Meditation Improves Life Quality
Is a meditation a part of your everyday routine? If the answer is negative, you may want to consider some changes in the near future. While a highly spiritual practices, meditation can have a number of important effects on your life (even on your health). Improving life quality through meditation is entirely possible and here’s […]