NaNoWriMo Progress Report Week #2
Another writing week has passed and our writing buddies Suzi and Patricia give us an update about their progress. Sue: Well it’s day 15. We’re halfway. How’s it going? My total wordcount is just under halfway at 24,545 words. Tricia: Hi Sue, my total wordcount is standing at 20318 so a little behind target but […]
Make your book stand out and captivate the reader with an impressive book intro
Writing a novel provides many amazing opportunities. You can express yourself, meet new like-minded people and, finally, you can publish your book and become famous all over the world! A great idea for your book is one of the pillars of crafting a strong literary work. In order to draw the audience in, however, you will […]
NaNoWriMo Progress Report Week #1
The first week of NaNoWriMo is almost over. Two participants give us insight in their word count progress, about what tools they are using and a glimpse about their novel. Read the chat below and let us know in the comments how YOU are doing: A chat between two Nano Writing Buddies Sue: ‘Are you […]
Successful Fiction Writing: Important Rules to Follow
There has long been a debate about whether fiction or non-fiction are more difficult to write. Fiction does require a lot of creativity while non-fiction will typically necessitate significant research. In both cases, a lot of preliminary work will be required. Building a convincing story and coming up with an interesting world, however, rank among […]
Distraction-free writing? 6 writing hacks you can do right now
It’s that time of the year again. No, I’m not talking about growing a mustache. I’m referring to that month when hundreds, if not thousands, of writers create their own novels around the same time. The National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is upon us again. And while creating a novel in a month is no […]
Writing Advice from Ernest Hemingway That Can Boost Your Career
One of the greatest writers of modern times, Ernest Hemingway knew what makes a great story and he also knew how to present this story to the reader. Hemingway relied on a number of powerful literary tools to make every single text outstanding, memorable and vibrant. Whether you’re a fiction writer or any other professional […]
Books every writer should read
As writers we’re addicted to books on ‘how to write’. It’s procrastination of course. If you’re reading a book about how to develop your craft, then you’re working on your writing, right? Yes, but there must be balance. If you spend too long reading and not getting words on the page, you’ll never finish that […]
Steps towards Building a Regular Writing Routine: Find Your Inspiration
Are you finding it difficult to commit to a regular writing routine? Do you find yourself hesitant to sit down in front of the computer in the morning? Lacking inspiration could be the reason behind your inability to get down to business habitually. Whether you’re doing creative writing, online copywriting or the creation of factual […]
How to prepare for NaNoWriMo 2018
Plotter or Panster? So come on, which are you? Plotters (okay yes, I admit it) like to have some idea of where we’re going and the good news is that with Nanowrimo THIS IS NOT CHEATING. The thing about being a plotter is that you don’t have to work chronologically. John Irving doesn’t start until […]
How To Avoid Distractions During Remote Work
With more people working remotely than ever before, it’s time to rethink the traditional office. And while work from home jobs are a dream for many, lots of remote employees find that staying focused and avoiding distractions during the workday can sometimes be a serious challenge. Checking social media, texting friends, and even turning on […]