Comments on: Reinventing the Workplace – Creating an Environment for Optimal Health and Productivity – Part 1 The Productivity App That FORCES You to Focus! Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:02:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allison Easton Sun, 12 Apr 2020 10:09:47 +0000 Thank you! These are such basic things, but nevertheless many people neglect these working conditions. Especially good lighting when working from home.
I am trying to create a workplace that is not like an office but nevertheless adapts to the working environment. And so I need good lighting (not just daylight but also lamps) to keep my body awake. But it’s not very comfortable when I work at night – the light is too bright and I can’t work without it.
And about coffee – I have a long struggle with the addiction to coffee. So far I try to drink only 1 cup in the morning and that’s it. I used to get more than 3-4 cups a day. So far, it’s hard for me to live without coffee. But like the article says, I replace coffee with tea with different tastes.
Very interesting information. You convinced me that my ideas about the workplace were correct.
